HB 1171 deals with safety at the gas/convenience stores. Prior to pass of HB 1171 the required distance from emergency shut off to pump was 200 feet. How often have you gone from pump to store and witnessed two vehicles trying to maneuver their way around each other – barely missing collision and you? This bill allows emergency shut-off valves to be moved 350 feet away. Not only does this help vehicular congestion, but it also makes it much safer for pedestrians and helps with food insecurity by providing a safe, convenient way to purchase items needed for meals. Convenience stores, especially those with gas stations, have grown more rapidly in size over the last twenty-five years to accommodate customers that are relying heavily on convenience stores for food, gas, beverages and other household necessities. In order to comply with the 200-foot maximum distance requirement, fuel retailers are forced to place fuel canopies closer to stores, which creates safety concerns for pedestrians and vehicles. Increasing the maximum distance from 200 feet to 350 feet will resolve safety issues now and for the foreseeable future.
National Night Out
Not even torrential rain could stop neighbors from their appointed duty: standing up to crime by rallying together to protect their neighborhoods!
Another successful NNO. Thank you to all those who participated. It's always good to be out in the community meeting and greeting fellow residents. Please continue to be safe 🙏